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TH 610 Design-Build

Maple Grove, MN

C.S. McCrossan led efforts to extend TH 610 from TH 169 west to CSAH 81. The project constructed 2.75 miles of new, urban, four-lane divided freeway; converted the partial interchange at TH 169 to a full cloverleaf interchange; and constructed a new grade-separated interchange at Zachary Lane with roundabout intersection control at the ramp terminals. Special features included close coordination with Great River Energy (GRE) to design and construct GRE tower access roads and lining an existing 54”MCES sanitary sewer along with reconstructing the associated manholes on the existing sewer line that parallels TH 610. Additional responsibilities included environmental coordination, public relations, safety management and utility coordination. CSM and other team members, provided design and construction innovations that eliminated retaining walls, dramatically reduced earthwork quantities, used ditches to convey 230 acres of off-site drainage, provided continuous compaction control and used GPS machine control technology that reduced surveying costs. These innovations allowed CSM to provide a durable, lower maintenance facility as part of its $48M best-value proposal.

Maple Grove, MN
Contract Value: 
SRF Consulting Group, Braun Intertec